Underwater, terrestrial and industrial HDPE pipe systems

Proyects Management

Engineering and Studies

Environmental monitoring

Specialized Advice on Social Responsibility



Underwater HDPE pipe systems,
both terretrial and industrial

Environmental Monitoring

projects management


Underwater HDPE pipe systems, both terretrial and industrial

ELINSUBCA gives its experience and knowledge in the construction, maintenance, repair and inspection of submarine pipes of high density polyethylene (HDPE). Offering its services within the different fields of use, thus allowing the development of projects appropriate to the need of the work and in conjunction with the client:

Emissaries: Construction, maintenance, repair and inspection.

Aqueducts: Construction, maintenance, repair and inspection.

Sockets: Construction, maintenance, repair and inspection.

Terrestrial and Industrial: Construction, maintenance, repair and inspection. 


Projects management

ELINSUBCA is recognized for its experience and knowledge of good practices in the management of underwater high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipeline projects, applying the processes, techniques and tools that contribute to increasing the chances of success in all stages of the project. draft:

Assistance in procurement.

Planning and control of works.

Quality assurance and control.

Estimation of costs.

Projects Counseling.

Risks Supervisión and Analysis.


Engineering and Studies

ELINSUBCA executes projects across the spectrum of professional services in engineering and construction of high density polyethylene piping systems underwater, terrestrial and industrial, covering basic studies, which identify the needs of the project and the visualization of technical solutions through surveys in the field: bathymetry, soundings, environmental impact, among others. Also, the execution of engineering in all its stages: Conceptual Engineering, Basic Engineering, Detail Engineering, Execution and Operation.

 Studies and Engineering Projects: Conceptual, Basic and Detail.


Environmental Monitoring

During the process of planning, design and construction of projects, the planning of environmental monitoring is carried out by phases, with its own and particular objectives related to: the evaluation of compliance with the standard, the level of environmental impact over time and the sustainability of the draft. With the intention of using the results to improve environmental management and have information for decision making in terms of sustainability


Specialiazed Counseling in Social Responsibility

For ELINSUBCA, an essential challenge is the relationship with the community and the permanent exchange of ideas and opinions, which are involved in medium and long-term actions, to generate true social development, minimize the impact on the environment, in the space where the projects are developed, thus contributing to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants and the surroundings. This allows us to get closer to our clients, make improvements before and during the development of our services, generating a transparent and trusting relationship.